

  In 2011, Gale Asia published, to wide critical acclaim, the first ten volumes of The Papers of Lee Kuan Yew: Speeches, Interviews and Dialogues, a compilation of four decades(1950–1990) of speeches, interviews and press conference presentations delivered by the founding father of modern Singapore during her formative years to her rise to prominence as an Asian Tiger.

  Now we are proud to present its continuation, The Papers of Lee Kuan Yew: Speeches, Interviews and Dialogues (1990–2011). These new volumes cover Lee Kuan Yew’s tenures as senior minister and minister mentor, starting with Lee’s interview with Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) on 18 December 1990 and ending with his speech at NTUC’s 50thanniversary dinner on 13 May 2011, chronicling Lee’s political statements and thoughts as the nation went through significant changes and crises, such as the Asian financial crisis of 1997, the SARS outbreak of 2003, and the intense fight against terrorism. Lee stepped down as minister mentor on 21 May 2011.

  Also included in the new ten-volume set is a cumulative index volume that has been compiled to gather all the index entries included in volumes 1 to 19 that span a period of six decades (1950–2011). This will help readers and scholars to easily and quickly locate terms and topics they are interested in across the volumes.

  Key Features

  •The most comprehensive collection of various types of presentations of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding prime minister of Singapore.
  •A first-hand source for examining the thoughts of Lee over two decades (1990–2011)on a wide range of topics such as multiracial harmony, population growth, foreign talent, productivity, language education, anti-terrorism, crisis control, regional cooperation (ASEAN), relations with the United States, mainland China, Taiwan, and Japan, Hong Kong’s handover to China, and free trade agreements.
  •Rare historical photos are dispersed throughout the volumes to give readers a sense of time and place.
  •Some terms and names are annotated to help readers who are not familiar with certain content that is unique to Singapore and Southeast Asia.
  •A cumulative index to all 19 volumes (1950–1990 and 1990–2011) for convenient research.

  About Lee Kuan Yew

  Lee Kuan Yew (1923– ) is a prominent Singapore statesman. He was the first prime minister of the Republic of Singapore and governed the island nation for three decades(1959–1990). By the time he stepped down to enable a smooth leadership renewal, he had become the world’s longest-serving prime minister. He was Singapore’s senior minister from 1990 to 2004 and then minister mentor from 2004 to 2011. As one of the founders and the first secretary-general of the People’s Action Party, he led the party to eight victories from 1959 to 1990, oversaw the separation of Singapore from Malaysia in1965, and engineered its subsequent transformation from an underdeveloped colonial outpost with no natural resources into a first-world Asian Tiger. He has remained one of the most influential political figures in Southeast Asia.


  • ISBN:9789814424349
  • 規格:平裝 / 5434頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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很多女性都會面臨這樣的問題,平時感覺自己乳腺沒有什麼癥狀,但是做體檢的時候,報告上面卻顯示「乳腺增生」,這樣很多女性為之擔心不已,害怕自己的乳腺發生病變,尤其是惡性病變。 女人若患有乳腺增生,多吃此幾物,通乳散結,增生或遠離你 栗子不僅吃起來甜糯、而且營養價值很高。栗子裡面含有大量的葉酸,蛋白質、B族維生素等等,可以說是「天然的葉酸」食物。女人可以每天吃一點栗子,能夠通乳散結,或遠離增生。 ... 香蕉香蕉是一年四季都能買到的一種水果,不僅非常好吃,而且香蕉中含有豐富的葉酸。因此,患有乳腺增生的女人平時不妨多吃,能夠起到非常好的通乳散結的作用。 玫瑰花:玫瑰花茶含有豐富的維生素,蘋果酸,木糖等營養成分,性質溫和,具有緩和人體情緒緊張的作用,對於改善內分泌紊亂也有一定的幫助。 ... 油麥菜油麥菜中富含豐富的纖維素和葉酸,經常食用油麥菜不僅可以提高身體的抗病能力,而且對於乳腺增生,乳房脹痛,都能夠起到很好的緩解作用。 無花果:在生活中也是常見的水果,營養價值非常高,而且還有豐富的胺基酸以及膳食纖維。在日常生活中經常吃一些無花果,也能夠起到通乳散結的作用。










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